Monday, March 8, 2010

March 8, 2010

What a rough weekend. Dad was in the ER for the afternoon on Sunday. He's been fighting a fever since Thursday and on Sunday started complaining that his lungs hurt. Let me tell you. Scary! My mother had a sister's weekend at their house with a whole bunch of ladies and little girls. My aunt Jean was also not feeling well and had to be brought to the emergency room by ambulance. She wasn't breathing on her own and her skin was turning blue. I didn't even know that could happen to adults. So we bounced from the ER with Dad to the ICU checking up both of them. The entire family is on edge with fear. 

A friend blogged that God doesn't want us to be anxious. I read that and I thought to myself, how can I not be anxious when every day I worry that today could be the day that Dad's health starts to decline to the point where he gives up. Scary! God I pray that you take the anxiety and fear from my heart and the hearts of my family. My aunt did manage to wake up today but she isn't able to breath on her own still- so she is extremely frustrated because she wants to just rip that tube out of her throat. The doctors do not know if she will be able to breathe on her own if they take the tube out. Scary! They want to keep the tube in three days. She is scared.

Dad had his follow up scan today to see how his cancer is progressing or dissipating. We don't get the results until Friday. As is in my nature, I will worry that I am not righteous enough for God to hear and answer my prayers and that He will take my father home. Scary! I can't let my Dad see that. I have to put on a mask of strength. I don't know how long I can maintain the facade of strength. 

Today I think I will pray that God will take the fear from me and my family. I will continue to pray that He will heal my father and my aunt. I will pray that He will maintain me with the strength, courage, and wisdom that can be attained only through His Holy Spirit. 

Heavenly Father- thank you for the blessings you have poured into my life. Thank you for a loving family! Thank you that we fight and make up and grow together so that we can be there for each other when ever we are needed. Father I lift my prayers to you that You will guide me by Your Will to remove the fear within my heart. Today I want to give control over to You who controls all the world and Heaven. I pray to You, Oh Lord, that You will HEAL my father- that You the Great Physician would reach into his body and strip away all the cancer that remains within him. I pray that you HEAL my Aunt's lungs and help her breathe. Lord, I pray that You bless us with Your Holy Spirit that we will be renewed in strength, courage, wisdom and all of the fruits of Your Spirit. I pour out these requests to You Lord in the name of the most high, Jesus Christ. Amen

Monday, March 1, 2010

March 1, 2010

It has been a very long time since my last update. It's been crazy. Dad is doing well. Best news to date.. he finished his first full cycle of chemo. He was very happy that it was over. Next up, he needs to get a new scan to see how things are going and determine if preventative radiation is the right choice for him. He is VERY worried about radiation. There are so many horror stories out there of how it makes people worse than the cancer itself. He is really dreading it. BUT.. we are all collectively encouraging him to do what it takes to beat this nasty disease!!!!

Dad has been able to do a couple of REALLY awesome activities since my last post. Uncle Russ and his connection with Gillette Stadium were able to arrange a very special visit. Dad got to go to the Stadium and walk out onto the 50 yard line. Up on the big screen they wrote out- "The Patriots welcome Stephen Bradley to Gillette Stadium". They spelled his name wrong but I can tell you his SMILE beamed from him to light up the whole place! Dad loves- loves- loves the New England Patriots so this was a HUGE milestone for him. Then.. we are out there taking pictures and having a grand old time and who walks out onto the field... ANDRE TIPPETT- Dad's all time favorite linebacker!!! It was so amazing. Dad was super blessed.. and it was all by chance that he came out to the field. The woman that let us in saw Dad was wearing Tippett's jersey and had him come down to meet dad. The New England Patriots truly care about their fans and we can testify to that! We were able to visit with him for quite a while and then on our way out Dad was invited back for the grand opening ofthe Pro Football and the American Spirit at Patriot's Place on Saturday Feb 27th! He got to meet and get autographs of Robert Kraft, Gino Cappelletti, Tom Yewcic & Butch Mahoney. He also got to meet and get autographs of 4 of the New England Patriot cheerleaders. yes.. he was absolutely thrilled!!

We still have a long road ahead of us. We aren't losing sight of that but it's important to celebrate the blessings along the way. As a family we are all preparing to take part in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life in Rochester- my mother has a team (Team Francois) and Wendy and I started a new team this year (Grace for a Cure). We are showing our support of Dad and others that have beaten this disease, struggling through it, and have been lost to it. We are praying mightily that a cure is found and for Dad to be healed. May God have grace and mercy on our supplications to He who is ALMIGHTY and POWERFUL!  Please join me in prayer today- for Dad and all those that are struggling through the mess that is cancer!

Heavenly Father - THANK YOU for the blessings that you have given Dad this last month! Thank you for the joy that you have blessed his heart with. Lord God, I come to you today asking that you reach out to the physicians of the world that you miraculously give them direction to find new medicines, new treatments, and a cure for cancer lord. I pray that through your omnipotence your will would be to heal so many - to bring You all the Glory lord. Father my heart looks to you and I ask that you hear and answer my prayers. I am lost without your love and mercy God. I pray for my father. I pray for healing. I pray for a cure. I pray for joy and hope. I lift your name on high Lord. Father, I send this prayer to you in the name of your holy son, Jesus Christ. Amen

Monday, January 25, 2010

January 25, 2010

Today I am at chemo with Dad. It's the first day of his 5th treatment. We met with the doctor this morning before the chemo started. All seems to be going well. The next treatment schedule (that starts in 21 days) will be when he has another CAT scan and we find out if the chemo is doing its job and/or if God has gifted us with a miracle. You can imagine what I am praying for!
As is typical for Dad's first day of chemo, he is fast asleep in the chair beside me. He wakes up for a couple of minutes at a time and watches TV (he watches the price is right, bonnie hunt, and Steve Wilkos - who is a Jerry Springer spin-off). CRAZY TV.. but I still love him! LOL

I was away for the weekend on a worship team retreat (which was a fantastic time of learning and spiritual reflection) but while I was away Mom and Dad went to Patriot Place in Foxboro. They had a great time! They went shopping and walked through the Hall of Fame. DAD LOVED IT! Well, I think Mom did too.. LOL. He went with a couple of his friends (Sonny and Cindy) and met up with Uncle Russ down there. I can't wait to see the pictures. I think they liked it so much they are going to plan another trip. I love to hear this kind of stuff.. because it means that Dad hasn't given up hope! PRAISE GOD! As soon as they got home I called and went over to visit so I could hear all about it. He was tired, but excited while he was sharing about the weekend. It was awesome!

He told us that Uncle Russ may have a contact that will let Dad go to Foxboro and walk out onto the field. He is pretty excited about it. It would be super awesome if he could meet a player and get a tour.. but we are SUPER HAPPY with anything that brings him such JOY. God is answering prayers in bringing Dad JOY in lots of small ways since he got the prognosis in Sept '09. We are THANKFUL to God for the simple JOYS he has given Dad throughout this. We aren't sure yet when Dad will get to experience this particular thrill.. but we are hoping it will be soon.

Heavenly Father, thank you for Your presence in Dad's life - and in all of our lives! Today I purposefully pray for continued joy in Dad's life, for peace and comfort, and most importantly for HEALING of soul, spirit and body! I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN!

Friday, January 15, 2010

January 15 2010

The new year is upon us and I haven't posted in two weeks.. Sorry about that. My intentions were to keep this blog up on a more regular basis. With the holidays behind us, I hope to pick it back up.

As I have expressed before, I am overwhelmed with emotion on this journey. There are days when I feel like I am a blessing to Dad and that I am able to be there for him physically, emotionally, and spiritually.. and yet there are days that I feel all hope is lost. I can't express clearly how my emotions unfold but I can tell you that it's been challenging.

My hope is that through all of this Dad will find the Glory that resides in God. I want him to know that His Heavenly Father loves him and is there for him. I know in my heart that all of that is true but my challenge is expressing it in a way that Dad can know it. My family is in constant prayer for him. He knows we are but I don't think he knows how to process it. He has never been a man of faith in anything other than what he can do and see. Like most of us, it's hard to live by faith. It's hard when so many people are lifting prayers up and the answer isn't clear. Wouldn't it be easy if when we prayed there was an immediate conclusive answer. Alas, God and faith do not work that way. John 20:28 tells us: blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. Doesn't that say it all. God made flesh knew the weaknesses of the human mind. He knows how frail we are. He knows how full of doubt we are at times. Today, I am praying that Dad will be blessed with assurance- that his and our doubts will be lifted because we believe.

Father in Heaven, thank you for being in our lives. Thank you for the blessing of family. Thank you for your word living in our lives. lord, in a world full of doubt where so many of us only believe in what we can see, feel, touch, and know I ask that Your presence will be made known to my Dad and my family. As we lift our intercessory prayers for Dad;s health let us NOT doubt that YOU ARE WITH US. Let me and my family remember the word you have given us in Deuteronomy 31:8 "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Father, I ask for healing for Dad. I pray that we will not be afraid or discouraged. I pray that Your presence be felt by us and that we live lives that will bring You glory! I lift this prayer to you, Oh Lord, in the name that embodies all that You have to offer us, Jesus Christ. Amen

Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 31st, 2009

It's hard to imagine that 2010 is upon us. 2009 was an eventful year but Dad's diagnosis on September 30th has occupied our thoughts the most. He is such a central part to our family's life and it hurts us to know that he has to endure the battle with cancer. He is a funny, warm, loving, gregarious man that has endured so much already. In 1990 he had cervical mylopathy which made him disabled. He was a very active, athletic man prior to that.. played baseball, softball, basketball, and golf- all in leagues that he loved to participate in. He was the center of any party at that time in his life. He coped with his change in health after years of fighting his pride. It brought him closer to us- he went from a partying man to a family man. Our lives have all been enriched because of the change that he underwent. Now, he is fighting for his life and we are continually in prayer that God will provide a miracle. Quite frankly, it's discouraging to keep praying for a miracle of healing for him and to watch his health steadily decline. A few weeks ago when he had his CAT scan and we found that his largest node was shrinking we were excited and thankful that God was hearing our prayers.. but with that news came the fact that more new nodes had grown. It was DEVASTATING! I haven't been keeping the blog up because we have been so busy with the holidays-- wanting to spend as much time with him as possible and making all of the experiences memorable. I don't know that we were successful in making them the most cherished memories.. but we definitely had a good round of holidays. We ARE THANKFUL that he didn't have to spend Thanksgiving or Christmas in the hospital like he did for Halloween.
I feel like there are times when I am shouting out to God - Why Dad?!?!?! Why NOW? It frustrates me. I yearn to be Dad's arms bearer and his courage and there are certainly times when I feel like I can be that for him.. but there are other times when I don't know what to say or do to make things right. It makes me feel weak in my faith and weak as a man not being able to fix it. How can I reconcile my faith with what is going on with Dad? For years I've been going to church and learning to walk in my faith and expressing it to Dad and he has stayed his ground in saying he believes but never going to church.. How can I be a faithful servant to my GOD and be there for Dad with biblical answers to the pain and grief he is experiencing? I am not really expecting an answer.... but it would be nice to hear one.

Dad starts a new round of Chemo this week.. a great way to bring in the new year. He is feeling mostly good- just tired a lot.. Mom is looking for answers from the Oncologist on Monday hoping to hear something that can help keep HOPE alive within us.

Dad had to face death this week head on. His oldest brother Al's girlfriend Carol passed away the day after Christmas. He, my mother, and my kids had taken an impromptu trip to visit family and they get to Rhode Island to learn she had passed. I can only imagine what Dad must be thinking.. and all of his family as they say good bye to a loved one- knowing Dad is battling a deadly disease. It hurts to think about it. It saddens me, weakens my heart, fills me with emotion and makes me wish I had more answers; more answers I'll likely not get until the time when I am called home to my Heavenly Father.

So.. what to pray. I think I will keep it simple because I am at a low point spiritually today..

Lord God thank you for being in my life. I pray for a renewed Spirit from You. I pray for healing for Dad. I pray that You are present in my life, my Dad's life, and all of my family and friend's lives in the new year. May all Glory and Honor be yours today and forever. In Jesus Christ's precious name I pray. Amen

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December 16th, 2009

Dad finished another round of chemo today. He is feeling a little tired but for the most part he is feeling OK. He is still feeling a little frustrated with all the waiting around at the hospital and having to go through all of this during the holidays. My cousin Kayla spent the last two days with him while he sat through chemo. She was quiet but at least kept him company. Aunt Cindy brought him Monday. Thankfully, we have a big family and Dad has a big support system to help him through all of the stuff that cancer brings with it. Amen to that!! Today when I talked with him he wasn't sounding as sad about Christmas as he was last weekend. He at least told me he needed some sweat shirts and socks.. the man loves to get socks for Christmas!! LOL He loves to buy silly holiday socks to give to everyone and he likes to get tube socks.. That's right.. tube socks.. he claims that they help his veins and circulation in his calves.. but he was wearing tube socks up to his knees even when I was a kid (even when he wore shorts.. HAHAHAHA). Did I mention I love this man! He always keeps us amused! Dad loves to make people laugh, even at his own expense.

Today I am thankful that others are able to help bring Dad to his doctors appointments and that he is feeling better about Christmas.. and that he has a sense of humor! I think I'll pray in thanksgiving.

Lord God, thank you for the support system that You have provided for my Dad and our family. Thank you for those willing to go to doctor's appointments with Dad, thank you for all those that are keeping and lifting Dad in prayer, thank you for Dad keeping his sense of humor throughout this entire ordeal. Is that not witness to the power of Your Holy Spirit?! Father- I pray that You bless all those that are standing in support of Dad and the family, meet their needs - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Show them the fruits of Your Holy Spirit in their lives and make it known that You are the Great Provider. Lord, I praise and worship you with a thankful heart, even in my darkest hour, I will praise You Lord. Father, I ask that you keep Joy alive in our hearts as we walk beside You in this journey. Your reasons for all that happens are beyond our understanding, and I want to understand. You know my heart, You know my desires, and You know my weaknesses Lord. I ask that You work in and through me to grant me wisdom and understanding today and in the days, weeks, months and years to come! I still pray that You will heal Dad. I desperately pray that You tough him with Your ALL powerful healing touch! Daily, I lift this request to You!
Father God, I pray that You bless my Mom with patience, love, wisdom, and courage as she stands beside my dad through this journey. Bless her according to Your will. I lift her spirit to You knowing that You never forsake us and You love us. You love us enough to send Your Son to come to earth and pay the price for our sinful nature. I am thankful for Your grace and mercy. Let us live in that Grace and Mercy and know You more.
I lift my prayers to You, Oh Lord, in the name above all names, Jesus Christ. Amen

Monday, December 14, 2009

December 14th, 2009

I haven't updated in a week. Sorry! I was/am a little heart broken. Dad's CAT scan came back with both good news and disheartening news and it's affected us a little more than we wanted it to. Dad's largest node has shrunk. That is awesome! However, he has several new small nodes that were not there for the last scan. So, prayer has been answered in that the chemo is working to shrink the largest node.. we just were hoping for more good news rather than finding out he has more nodules. He also found that he couldn't do chemo because he had liquid built up in his lungs. He was scheduled to have the fluid drained on Friday. The plan was to insert a needle through his back and into his lung to drain the excess. THANKFULLY when he went in on Friday the fluid had taken care of itself; his body had absorbed it on its own. Good thing too, he had a sleepless night Thursday night worrying about it. It would have been a painful procedure.

Then I was over there on Saturday talking with Dad about Christmas. His response in my asking him what he'd like for Christmas- "My health". All I could say was, Dad - it's what I am praying for. My heart broke a little. I want my God to reach down and touch him with His all powerful healing hand and take his pain and cancer away. What else could I say? I love my Dad and I want him to get better. He was so vulnerable and obviously disheartened with all that is going on. It's Christmas, we should be celebrating all that our Savior Jesus has done for us and here we are, a little heart broken, him living with a sickened body, and his Spirit broken.

I did talk with Dad today. He is tired from his first day of treatment. This is his third round, he is becoming a pro at the chemo drill.. but tired of waiting around for everything. He had to be at the hospital at 7 this morning but didn't start treatment until after 10. Makes it a little harder dealing with everything when he is just sitting around waiting- in a place full of sick people.

I don't know how or what to pray for today. I think I will pray for a lifted Spirit for Dad and that he would know God's love and mercy.

Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing Dad's large tumor to shrink. Thank you that he is feeling as much pain as he was in the first few weeks after diagnosis. Today, I asked for Your continued presence in Dad's journey with cancer and in the lives of our family. I specifically ask that during this holiday season Your glory can lift our spirits. I ask that Your essence flow in and through us that we might know the Joy that comes only from You. Lord, I am wrought with worry and distracted from the season because of all that is happening with Dad. I am leaning on my faith and You for strength right now. I want to be the sword bearer and courage for my Father through all of this but I am weak and I need You to work in and through me in order to be so. I am crying out to You, My LORD for all of my supplications on my own, my father's and my family's behalf. I lift these prayers to You, knowing that You hear and answer all of our prayers, in the name that is the most precious, Jesus Christ. Amen!